Adaptive Reuse:

Repurposing Urban Buildings into Tourism Accommodation Facilities

Welcome to the research program “Adaptive Reuse: Repurposing Urban Buildings into Tourism Accommodation Facilities – RETOU”. This research program is funded by the Harokopio University Special Account for Research Funds with the aim of exploring the possibilities of repurposing underutilized urban buildings into tourist accommodation facilities. On this website, we will provide you with all the relevant information related to this research program, its objectives, scope, and outcomes.

Program Overview:

Adaptive reuse is a sustainable approach to repurposing buildings that are no longer being used for their original purpose. The goal of this research program is to investigate the potential of repurposing underutilized urban buildings, such as abandoned factories, warehouses, or commercial buildings, into tourist accommodation facilities. This research program will explore the benefits, challenges, and best practices for repurposing urban buildings into accommodation facilities that meet the needs and expectations of tourists.

The objectives of this research program are focused on exploring the potential of adaptive reuse for repurposing urban buildings into tourist accommodation facilities, identifying the benefits and challenges of repurposing urban buildings into tourist accommodation facilities, and demonstrating the economic, social, and environmental benefits of adaptive reuse for the tourism industry. To achieve the objectives set, this research program will use case studies of successful adaptive reuse projects from around the world, towards evaluating the economic, social, and environmental benefits of adaptive reuse for the tourism industry and analysing the challenges and potential solutions for repurposing urban buildings into tourist accommodation facilities, building recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders on the benefits of adaptive reuse for the tourism industry, and increasing awareness and understanding of the potential of adaptive reuse for sustainable tourism.

Adaptive reuse has the potential to revitalize underutilized urban spaces, create new tourism opportunities, and contribute to the sustainable development of urban areas. This research program will explore the possibilities of repurposing urban buildings into tourist accommodation facilities and develop best practices and guidelines to promote sustainable tourism. We hope that this research program will contribute to the transformation of underutilized urban spaces into vibrant tourism destinations that benefit both the local communities and the tourism industry.

Our program aims to

demonstrate the economic, social, and environmental benefits of adaptive reuse for the tourism industry.